A Snail's Pace

If you know me at all or have been reading this blog for any length of time, you know slow and I are not friends. I don't do slow. My recovery from the surgeries in July has been much slower than I expected, and I don't handle slow well (nor can I handle not being in control). Last week I woke up and realized I feel relatively good. For the most part I feel back to normal (with the exception of bi-weekly visits to have my blood thinner levels checked to guard against another clot...which is quite annoying).  Life is slowly getting back to normal...slow being the operative word.

I started running again a few weeks ago, and I'm so slow. This morning I ran a few miles, and I needed several walk breaks. I'm agonizingly slow.  In a year where I've shattered personal bests and been in great physical condition, being this slow is frustrating. My mind is ready to run seven minute miles. My body? Not so much. I'm trying to be patient and realize that I'm starting from ground zero when it comes to my fitness level. But I'm even worse at being patient than I am at dealing with being slow.

I'm running my first post-op 5k this weekend, and I'll be following it with another 5k in a few weeks. I'll be doing a 10k at the end of October, and I'm stepping it up to a half marathon in November. This is relatively slow considering I'm still wishing I'd been able to start training for the New York Marathon in November.

Despite my best efforts, life doesn't always move at the speed at which I'd like it to. Even if I'm still operating at a snail's pace the next few weeks, I'll get there. I've heard slow and steady wins the race, right? 

The ultimate in slow:


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