2012 = one for the books
We accomplished a LOT this year. A lot of running, a lot of traveling, and all of this with two busy jobs. I ran eight 5ks, four 10ks, one 15k, one 10-miler, two half marathons and 15 miles of a full marathon before it got called for the heat. In addition we traveled to West Virginia (7 times), Pensacola, FL, Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Green Bay, Chicago, Traverse City, MI, Boyne Highlands, MI, Maine (via a road trip), State College, PA, Mackinac Island, MI and Norfolk, VA. Later this week I'll head to Tyler, Texas to see my bestie rounding out a year that in retrospect I can't believe we managed to stay sane. After one of my 5ks. I feel as exhausted as I look in this photo. All of this challenge and business has almost succeeded in taking my mind off our nearly 10-month wait to adopt a child. I do know, however, that we need to travel as much as possible now before we have little ones. I don't plan to stop traveling, but I know it'll be a bigger challenge. ...