Running > Therapy

No offense to my therapist (she's pretty awesome), but when things are stressful and life has me against the ropes, running is the best way to work it all out. And it doesn't require a co-pay. Bonus!

Last week my dad had a health scare, my husband was out of town, and my usually super chill baby decided to scream his way to bed every night. My nerves were completely frayed. With my husband gone there wasn't time to get in a solid workout, and I have to run. A me without running is a version that is not pleasant to be around. I'm irritable and antsy. It was made even worse by the fact that the weather was sunny and beautiful for the first time in months. I didn't run in it. At all.

On Friday we headed to West Virginia to visit my parents (and micro-manage my dad...he loves that!) I was hoping to get in a run before we left on Friday morning. I even wore my running clothes to drop my son off at daycare and to drop my dogs off at the boarder. It's nearly unheard of for me to be out in public in running clothes. I knew if I didn't put on my running clothes there was no chance of me running. I ran out of time to run before we left, so my running errands in a slovenly outfit was for naught.

I took clothes to run in West Virginia. I woke up Saturday to pouring rain. I don't generally mind running in the rain, but I just couldn't. I had zero motivation to brave the weather. It didn't matter that I have a half marathon in just a few weeks. I just didn't have it in me.

Sunday was a colder day, but I had to get on the trail. My irritability factor was through the roof. Last summer my parents moved to the east side of Morgantown, and since then I've had a hard time finding a good place to run while visiting (their neighborhood is insanely hilly). When they lived on the other side of town they were right near the Mon River Trail. I did a little research and found that they weren't too far from the Deckers Creek Trail. I headed that way on Sunday morning.

I had never been on this end of the trail, and I was immediately impressed by the engagement along it. I parked at Marilla Park in Sabraton and started my run there. Marilla Park has a huge pool with water slides and a skate park. Impressive! The Friends of Deckers Creek have done an excellent job making the trail an engaging space. There was a dog park and murals painted under bridges. I ran into downtown feeling better than I had in weeks. I was running for the first time in a week in my favorite city. It felt like I was home in more ways than one.

Love this view from the trail of Woodburn Hall on WVU's campus

It's been a stressful few weeks with all of the crazy going on in my life. I know in particular with parenting it's a crazy that won't get any easier. I've got to learn to adjust and make sure I'm making time to run. I've run a lot of towns, and Morgantown is always my favorite. I discovered the Deckers Creek Trail Half Marathon in June. I think that will be my next race on the way to New York. Who needs a therapist when you've got a great running trail? 


  1. Funny as I ws reading this I actually felt my blood pressure going up for you. I could feel your pain, I kept reading wondering when you were going to get your run in. YEAH! You got her in and it sounds like a great one. Good luck at your half marathon, I look forward to hearing your recap!


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