Dressed for success

I'm a little obsessed with clothes. And shoes. And running clothes. And running shoes. I mean it may actually be a bit of a problem. I take a lot of time picking out outfits for work and running. If I'm going on a trip, I meticulously plan every outfit for every day. Dressing well doesn't happen by accident. It's a process.

Part of my shoe collection. It takes up some room.
I realized this morning as I was wearing a cute running outfit (paisley running skirt, strappy tank and arm sleeves) that I felt fantastic. It was a great run, and I'm quite sure it was at least in part to what I was wearing.

In life I generally feel better if I am put together. When I was running the Lansing Half Marathon in April, I had multiple people tell me that I was the "best dressed" in the race. It was almost more exciting than my PR. Almost. I have so many running clothes - at least enough shirts to wear a different one every day for at least a month. Perhaps longer. But it doesn't stop me from wanting the cutest, latest thing.

Rocking plaid arm sleeves in the Lansing Half
I am a disciple of What Not to Wear. Stacy and Clinton know their stuff. I have often said to myself and others, "It doesn't have to match. It just has to GO." I even apply this philosophy to running clothes. You may think this is crazy - I'm just going to run and get the clothes all sweaty. But it's a mental thing for me. If I look cute on a run, I'm motivated to push myself harder.

My fav shoes of all time. I love, love, love them.
There are people who think it doesn't matter what you wear, and people will judge you for how you look on the inside. And to those people I say - you're dead wrong. Eventually people will judge you for who you are, but when they first see you, that's the first impression you make. It matters - whether it's at the office, hanging out with my friends or on a race course. Not for everybody else - but for me.  


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