Oh the Places I'll Go

"You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes
You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
You're on your own. And you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go."  
- "Oh the Places You'll Go" by Dr. Seuss

It's that time of year again - the time where I'm trying to figure out what races to do and where I want to travel.  It'll probably change a million times before I figure it out, but where should I go in 2012? After May, I've got an empty slate with lots of time to fill.

I'm registered for the Shamrock 'n Roll 10k in Plymouth, Michigan in March, the inaugural Lansing Half Marathon in April and the Green Bay Marathon in May. After that I've got...nothing. Well not nothing. There are dozens, hundreds even, of races I could do across the country. But when my goal is to run often and to run in all 50 states, I've got to be selective in what is actually doable. 

I'm likely going to run the Solstice Run, a 10-miler in Northville, Michigan in June. After that the possibilities are endless. Maybe the Hancock Canal Run in the Upper Peninsula in July? Maybe the Lake Erie ½ Marathon in Ohio in August? I'll very likely run the Capital City River Run again in September. That race has become one of my favorites.

Runners - are there any races you've done that you'd recommend? City people - is there a city I should visit? Throw out a cool city, and I'll find a race. Remember, it's not just about running but seeing cool places as well. Where have you been for a race where you enjoyed the scenery, enjoyed a great restaurant or a cool downtown? That's the kind of race I'm looking for - not just somewhere to run but an experience. I'll go anywhere - I'd love to hear some ideas! 


  1. First of all, of course you need to run (more) in the DC area.

    I'm not a runner, but it seems like Burlington, Vermont would be a good place for a race. Great town!

  2. Yes - I definitely want to run more in DC. You know we love it there! I did a two-week program the summer before my senior year in Burlington and LOVED it. Great idea!


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