Spring fever

Mark Twain once said, "If you don't like the weather in New England, just wait a few minutes." Michigan weather is much like that. It can be beautiful and sunny one day and snowing the next. Fortunately Lansing is in a bit of a bubble. We generally don't have a ton of snow in the winter compared to other places in Michigan. Unfortunately what we lack in snowfall we also generally lack in sunshine as well. That makes winter in Michigan long and brutal.

This winter has been an anomaly. We had one significant snowfall at the beginning of December, and so far that's it. The temperatures have been in the 30s and 40s, and we've had sunshine every day for almost a week. It's fantastic! 

Here's the thing about me and winter - I can totally live without it. In looking at great cities and place, weather clearly doesn't matter. Fantastic cities like Chicago, Denver, Boston, New York, and Minneapolis thrive in cold climates. And while I get that concept, it still matters to me. 

I like having four seasons but four milder seasons. When I was growing up in West Virginia we'd have plenty of snow and cold, but I never recall weeks where the temperature didn't go above freezing even once. It is harsh. This winter is my kind of winter. Maybe it's global warming? I'll take it. 

This weather is fabulous for running. It's great to be able to get outside in the sunshine and get a run in. Don't get me wrong - Michigan's weather is generally great for running. I'd rather run outside on a chilly spring morning than in heat and humidity. But overall, I like it when it's warm. 

Winter is a great time to explore a warmer state for a race. I'm doing the Double Bridge Run in Pensacola in a few weeks. It's not supposed to be extremely warm there - probably high 50s to low 60s - but it'll certainly feel warm to us.

We still have months of winter ahead of us here in Lansing, so I'm taking the warmer weather while I can get it. I'm also thankful for great cold weather running gear that keeps me motivated when the temperatures drop and snow starts to fall. And through every cold run I'll be daydreaming about the arrival of spring. Only 10 weeks!


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