
Both running and traveling keep me sane.  At the end of 2011, my husband and I started planning our 2012 trips. Some of them will revolve around running; some of them won't. Traveling is kind of our thing, and while we do make repeat trips to some of our favorite destinations like Washington, D.C., we're all about seeing new places. I'm all about running races in new places.

The problem with an extensive traveling/running schedule is that sometimes life gets in the way. When I had surgery three months ago, I thought I'd be up and running in a few weeks. I thought wrong. After three months I'm STILL having complications that are affecting my ability to run. I'll have a great 4-5 mile run, and then be in pain for two days. Who has time for this?

Our jobs are busy, our dogs are crazy, and life tries its hardest to keep me from running and to keep us home doing boring things like yard work and cleaning our basement. And while I may have tons of dog hair on my basement floor and our hedges are a little wild, our priority has been to travel as much as we are able in these early years of our marriage. Okay who are we kidding - we intend to continue traveling when we're old and gray.

At the beginning of the year I scour race sites to pick the races I want to do so they will coincide with cool trips. I've put myself in the lottery for the New York City Marathon. That is a dream run/trip.  We've got confirmed trips to Pensacola, Florida and Green Bay, Wisconsin. I'm registered for the inaugural Lansing Half Marathon in April. That leaves me with at least two more race trips, and you can bet I've been searching the internet to find the right trip for us. We're thinking Montreal in September and maybe Chicago again in October. But here's the thing about running these towns - I'm only limited by myself. 

A lot of people say to me that they just don't know how I run and travel so much. At some point you've got to just do it. Sure sometimes it's nice to sleep in or stay home, but I never feel worse after a run than I did before.  So book a trip and register for a race while you're at it. Life is too short to stay home and trim the hedges. 


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