The Scope of It

I've been under anesthesia approximately 30 times. That's as many times as I can remember, but in fairness all the anesthesia may have affected my memory. I had tubes in my ears three times as a kid, another ear surgery in high school, six Crohn's related abdominal surgeries, my wisdom teeth removed, an abscess drained, and more colonoscopies, sigmoidoscopies and endoscopies than I can count. Last week I added to the tally having a surgery to repair my torn meniscus. 

Not running has really zapped my creativity. I use running to think about blogs I'm going to write and to calm all the thoughts rattling around in my head. Instead the last few weeks I've felt anxious about my upcoming surgery. Despite the number of surgeries I've had, having knee surgery made me more anxious than usual. My knee has really been hurting, but what if made it worse? 

It turns out a knee scope is significantly less invasive than any of the Crohn's surgeries I've had. I spent three days on crutches and icing/elevating my knee almost 24/7. I was cautiously able to put weight on my knee a few days after surgery and a week later I am walking, albeit slowly and cautiously. 

I've tried really hard to take it easy and be cautious. I won't be able to wear heels for a few weeks, but I'm hoping to be back to running within six weeks. I'm also hoping to be back to blogging more creatively then too. I miss lacing up my shoes, taking off on a crisp fall morning and sorting through all the thoughts in my head. Five weeks until I'm back in action. Until then...sort of rest.

Wearing running clothes to the polls because real clothes won't fit over my knee.


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