Feeding the Soul

Last weekend my 4-month old son was baptized. Baptism is a spiritual rebirth for my son, but during a weekend of celebration and rebirth, my soul was the one that ended up being rejuvenated by time with my best friend and my family. Today my heart is full.

I met my best friend in Texas in 2002, and we hit it off immediately. Fast forward thirteen years and we've been through a lot - marriages, children, a long distance friendship (she lived overseas for a good portion of that time). But every time we get together it's like no time has passed. She was one of my biggest cheerleaders during our struggle to have a family. She's been there to support me during my darkest times and kick me in the tail when I don't want to admit I'm wrong (which is never...obviously). Everyone should have a friend like her. I am the godmother to her oldest daughter. There was never a question she would be our first child's godmother as well. She hadn't been to Michigan since our engagement party in 2008, and it was so wonderful to have her here. 

With my BF in Detroit before a Tigers game in 2006

After the baptism

My sister flew up from Virginia, and my parents were here from West Virginia. I love having my family here, and every time I wonder how I can continue to live so far from them. My niece and nephew are growing up without me there, and my son is growing up without them here. Quality time together makes my heart so happy. Will loves his aunt, and I love seeing them together. We had gorgeous weather all weekend, and it could not have been a more perfect time.

With my fam after the baptism. We're all looking at different cameras.
On the day of the baptism my husband's family came from Southeast Michigan, and we had a big group at church. I looked at my husband at one point during mass and choked up with tears for the awesome support we have. Our little guy was diagnosed with a respiratory virus last week, and he's been very unhappy. Despite that he was so content in church and even smiled during his actual baptism. I think he also knows how blessed he is to have so much love in his life. 

During the baptism
I dropped my sister and best friend off at the airport and cried the entire way home. I love our life here, but leaving them is the hardest. My parents stayed another night, and I cried when they left our house too. This weekend was food for my soul, and it was just what I needed. 

My gorgeous pup during a walk around the Capitol Building
The only thing this weekend was missing was running, and you know what? I didn't even care. It was so much more important to spend time with my loved ones. The River Bank Run in Grand Rapids is less than three weeks away. I haven't run more than 7 miles since the Ann Arbor Half Marathon a few weeks ago, but I'm not worried. Slow and steady gets me back into the racing mindset. These races are all the prelude for the New York Marathon this fall.

I woke up this morning feeling bittersweet after a wonderful weekend and already missing my family. I've also got a nasty cold likely having caught my son's virus, but my heart - my heart is full and happy. Despite time and distance and all of life's curve balls, I have an amazing support system. I hope this spring, in the season of renewal, you'll all take the time to do the things and spend time with the people that feed your soul.     


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