2013. Mind. Blown.

I have to be candid in telling you all that despite all the fun things I'm about to talk about, overall 2013 was a rough year. My husband and I experienced surprising and devastating heartbreak on more than one occasion, and it was hard. Hard isn't the correct word to encapsulate what parts of this year felt like - more like heartbreaking and crushing and devastating. 

In the first six months of the year it felt like the blows just kept coming, and there were times when I wasn't sure I could handle it.  But if running has taught me nothing else it's taught me that I am stronger than I think I am.  When it gets hard - that's when you push the most. Even if the hard stuff is emotional rather than physical, the same rules apply.

I've dealt with the perils of 2013 in the way I deal with everything - head down, gutting it out, and keeping myself so distracted that there was rarely time to focus on what was getting me down.  I traveled all over Michigan for work (twice to Crystal Mountain, Spring Lake, Frankenmuth, a week in Detroit, Traverse City), as well as Denver, Washington, DC (six times!), Pittsburgh, West Virginia (four times), Toronto, Montego Bay, Jamaica, Chicago, Indianapolis and Norfolk, VA.  Later this week we head to California for a week's vacation to San Francisco, Monterey and finally to Pasadena to watch my husband's Michigan State Spartans play in the 100th Rose Bowl. 

Relaxing in Montego Bay, Jamaica
Along with (and often on) those trips I fit in a marathon, three half marathons, one ten-miler, two 10ks and five 5ks.  I even combined one of the 5ks and 10ks when I "Did the Double" in Indianapolis. I ran fewer races overall than last year, but I was able to remain largely uninjured for the first time ever during marathon training. While I did not reach my personal marathon goal I did take over five minutes off my marathon PR in the Marine Corps Marathon.

Post MCM
Perhaps it's cliche (and only symbolic really), but I'm looking at 2014 as a chance for a new start. It's a time to push past the adversity of 2013 and move forward.  Life is always going to throw us curve balls, and it's how we deal with them and who shares our journey that keeps us going. Here's to 2014 - I'm looking forward to making memories with you my friends!    

Look at 2014 - here we come!


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