Messy Head Baby Commercials

One of my absolute favorite times is rapidly approaching: the Olympics. I could qualify and indicate that it's the summer Olympics but 1) that's obvious because it's August and 2) the winter Olympics are sub par and contain boring events, and everyone knows they aren't the real Olympics. I am madly in love with the Olympics. Ask me if I watched badminton two weeks ago, and I'd tell you that you were crazy. Ask me next week and the answer is obviously. The Olympics change everything.

A lot can change in four years. Four years ago I wrote a blog about how excited I was for the London Olympics. They didn't disappoint. I remember watching the Olympics in 2012 and crying every time I saw a Proctor and Gamble "Thank you, Mom" commercial. (They still make me cry for what it's worth). We were six months into our adoption process, and I was bright eyed and optimistic that we'd have a baby any minute. London was filled with promise for the athletes, but 2012 was filled with promise for my future as a mom too. After four years of desperately wanting a child it was going to happen for us that year!

And then it didn't. It was more than two years after the London Olympics before our son was born, and it was worth every single minute of the wait even though those minutes felt interminable at the time. In 2013 Pampers had these commercials I called the "messy head baby commercials" that would make me bawl hysterically every time they came on. They still make me cry, but it's because of the love that I feel for my own little sweaty, messy head baby guy. 

Four years later my toddler is obsessed with running. We are watching clips from the track and field Olympic Trials On Demand, and he yells "Go go go!" and "More running". We're working on our starting block form.  I hope he'll love the Olympics just as much as we do, and I don't think I'm going to be disappointed. 

Captivated by the Trials
Four years is a long time. The lifelong dreams of Olympic athletes are being realized, and the lifelong dreams of regular people are being realized too. I may not be competing in Rio, but I'm working it every day in the Mom Olympics. Four years after London I have my own messy head baby, and my heart is full. I can't wait to watch the games with my boys and share the magic of the Olympics for the first time with my son. Maybe this will plant the seed for his 2032 Olympic dreams. 

Also try to watch this without crying. If you can you may be dead inside:


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