How Do You Measure a Year in the Life?

Before you ask let me say that yes, this is the second blog this year with a title from "Seasons of Love". I love RENT and that humor me. 

Last weekend we celebrated December 13, my favorite day. On that date seven years ago I married my husband in the best party we've ever thrown. On that date one year ago our precious son was born. It is a day filled with so much love that my heart can barely handle it. 

Everyone thinks their wedding day is perfect, but mine really was. It was cold with snow on the ground, but it wasn't actually snowing that day. We had the most incredible day, and I worked hard to take in every moment. I look back at those photos and am still in love with that day. It was exactly the day that we wanted, and it officially started this adventure. 

We buy Christmas decorations when we travel, and I love decorating our tree and recalling the amazing trips we've taken in seven years: Sweden, Maine, Boston, New York, the Outer Banks, Nashville, Mount Rushmore, Toronto, Quebec City, Montreal, Pensacola, Washington, DC (dozens of times), San Francisco and the Rose Bowl and dozens of small weekend getaways. We've seen concerts and had dinners with friends. We've laughed and cried and struggled through some of life's hardest losses (both of our dads). But we've come through all of it together, and we try to make the most of every moment of our life. We've delighted in the joy of our child, and I realize how lucky I am to have this husband and amazing father of my son.

Our son was born last year after years of waiting for his arrival. When we found out about Will people kept saying, "You must be so excited." At that time my overwhelming emotion was anxiety. I was worried it wouldn't work out. I was worried he wouldn't really be ours. I have spent the last 365 days loving this little boy with every fiber of my being. The moment we met him I knew he was meant to be our son. His joyous wonder in every new detail of life is infectious. He loves his dogs, balloons, cars, going for walks, his pacifier and snuggling. His smile (those dimples!) lights up any room. Sometimes I feel like my heart might explode with love for him. 

The cast of RENT was right: you measure a year in love. The last seven years have been filled with so much love, and this last year has added joy and wonder as well. Seeing the world through the eyes of a child is so fun. Happy birthday little dude, and happy anniversary to my husband. Thank you for sharing this adventure with me!


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