26.2: Third Time's a Charm?

I feel like I've been in a bit of a rut in terms of running new towns. Sure, I did the Playmakers Race Series, but those races were all pretty close to home. We did go to Pensacola and Green Bay this year, but it seems like it's been a while. I'm itching for a new challenge.

I want to do a race in every state, so there are a number of possibilities for races even relatively close to home. But I want to run in an inspiring city. I left Green Bay disappointed that I didn't get to finish the race, but also very disappointed with the City of Green Bay. I've been scouring running websites trying to find a spring race that will take us to a fun and challenging city. It turns out the answer has been right under my nose all along.

Sad face after the Green Bay Marathon was canceled
My hometown of Hundred, WV is only 77 miles from Pittsburgh, PA. When I was a kid it was intimidating to head to a "big city" so we didn't spend a lot of time there. In college we would go shopping in Pittsburgh, and I had three surgeries there - not too much sightseeing on those trips. In college I also went to a few debate tournaments there, but it's been years since I've really explored Pittsburgh. Its story calls to me - a gritty steel city who has reinvented itself to leverage its cultural, sports and natural assets to become a destination that attracts talent and has visitors going home and talking about how great it is. 

I've registered for the Pittsburgh Marathon in May of 2013. It's my third attempt at 26.2. In 2010 I nearly hobbled across the finish line in the Detroit Marathon with a severe IT band injury. This year I remained uninjured only to have the Green Bay Marathon canceled due to heat when I was at mile 15.  I have never run a marathon that I felt good about at the end, and I'm hoping to change that in Pittsburgh next spring.

The course looks like it covers so many great areas in the city, and I can't wait for my 26.2 mile running tour of this incredible town. It also looks like it runs through Pitt's campus, so you can bet I'll be wearing Mountaineer gear during this one.  


  1. I totally think we can make it to the race in Pittsburgh! I want to be there too wearing WVU - of course.

  2. I would love it if you guys came - it would be awesome!!


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