Like a heat wave

I complain a lot about Michigan's weather. I love hot weather, and it doesn't often get what I consider hot enough here. This summer has been a fabulous exception, and it's been extremely warm. We've had several 100+ degree days, and it feels like I think summer is supposed to. I love it. The only time I don't love it is when I'm running. It made me realize one of the reasons Michigan has such a great running culture - it's generally fantastic running weather year round.

The last month or so my runs have been extremely sluggish. I enjoy the heat and humidity when I'm not running, but during my runs I feel like I'm running in quicksand. Other than the 10k I did a few weeks ago, I feel like I haven't had a good run in a few months. I'm learning to deal with the heat though, hydrating a lot, and just running as many miles (or as few) as I want to. This morning I ran three miles in humidity so thick it felt like I was running in a wet blanket. I had a marathon canceled because of the heat. It's been that kind of summer.

During the Green Bay Marathon - soaked from running through sprinklers for relief from the heat
I have these fantasies of moving south - to Tennessee or South Carolina or some other humid, hot summer climate. But during my morning runs this summer I've learned to appreciate Michigan's (generally) cool summer mornings. This summer has been hot nationwide, so I know I can't be the only runner struggling with heat.

This weekend I'm running the Ele's Race 5k in Okemos, Michigan, and then I've got a few weeks off before the Mint City 10-miler in St. Johns, Michigan. My training for the Mint City run has been off kilter because of the heat, but I've got a few weeks to get back on track.  But I'm just enjoying the summer and taking it easy with 3-4 days of running, 2 days of cross training and 2 days of PT each week.

Until the cooler air settles in again, I'm going to enjoy the hot weather, drink lots of water, and run more slowly and fewer miles. I'll miss this heat come February, so I'll just make up time and miles then.  


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