Managing Crohn's Disease in the Weirdest World Ever
I don't live my life like someone with a compromised immune system. I pride myself on not letting Crohn's run my life. It's an important part of who I am, and I've come to terms with acknowledging that in the last few years. But I rarely let it run my life. The last few weeks have thrown off all our lives. Two weeks ago we had a briefing on COVID-19, and we were basically told to wash your hands and be smart. Last week I worked Monday morning and then stayed home the rest of the week. Yesterday our Governor announced a three week stay at home order, and the world feels weird. Weird is an understatement...everything feels off kilter. Virtual happy hour = critical. In this off kilter world I still have to manage my chronic illness. Crohn's is a disease whereby my immune system is attacking my entire digestive tract - top to bottom. When I'm not feeling well I can have symptoms including stomach cramps, diarrhea, mouth sores, and even worse symptoms ...