
Showing posts from February, 2020

My Immune System is Attacking Me

Tonight I have a really work big event: my boss's third State of the City speech. I've spent hours writing and tweaking the speech. Our team has been working feverishly for the last month to ensure the event will go off without a hitch. Yet this morning, before I get moving, I will give myself an injection of a biologic medication that targets my Crohn's inflammation. This tiny little syringe of goodness will keep me going for the next eight(ish) weeks.  Then tonight I will be at the boss's speech in a kick ass dress, super high heels, and you will never know I'm sick. How does this small thing keep someone healthy for weeks? Incredible.  Incredibles band-aids because I'm a boy mom.  I'm really, really good at pretending to be well. I've spent my entire adult life doing it, and I'm a master. You'd likely never guess that the last time you saw me I felt crummy. I am able to push through a lot, and that's one of the biggest challenges...