2019 in the Rear View

In my first post of 2019 I promised to start prioritizing myself again. I'll give you one guess as to where I fell on the priority list this year: I think we all know it was last. In a life that's moving at warp speed, finding time to do the things that are important to me - namely exercise, reading, sleeping - has been difficult. If anything I only became further entrenched in work and busy, and in 2020 that has to stop. No it will stop because this pace is unsustainable. And for the love of God I need sleep. In 2019 I discovered Melatonin, and it has very quickly become my best friend. But even with that I have many nights where I can't turn off my brain. This week I came home after a city council meeting Monday night and stayed up with my husband to watch a few shows. I went to bed around 11:30 (very late for me), but then my phone rang at midnight with a call from our police department. When my son woke up at 4:45 am I guzzled two cups of coffee and was on it. But f...