Practicing Imperfection

For the last four months I've been part of the staff cohort of the Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative (I blogged about it while in NYC in August). It's a challenging and fun program, but my favorite part is meeting so many other senior leaders who get what I'm doing and can truly empathize. It turns out I'm not alone. As part of the Bloomberg program there is a leadership assessment that comprised of direct reports, peers, my boss and me filling out a leadership assessment about me. Then I had a 90 minute video chat with my leadership coach. My coach has an MBA from Harvard and a Doctor of Psychoanalysis (which I didn't know was a thing) from the Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis. She's pretty legit. On the day of my video call with my coach I was not in the mood for it. It was scheduled for 90 minutes on a Friday of a week that had been crushing both physically and mentally. I was grappling with a professional challenge that I continued ...