
This day is my favorite day of all the days. This is the day where I've lived my best life. This is a day when I've laughed, I've cried, and every year I am filled with joy as I reflect on the love in my life. Ten years ago today I married my husband, and four years ago today our son was born. From our son's newborn photos. This dress weighed 15 pounds, and I regret nothing. I'm at a bit of a loss for words as I try to describe how much I love this day. On my son's first birthday I asked how to measure a year of love. Three years have flown by since I wrote that blog as we celebrate 10 and 4. Here's what I know about marriage and parenting: the highs and lows are equally amazing and daunting. The great days are amazing and the hard days feel impossible. But each and every day my husband and son make me happy. Does that mean I'm happy all day every day? Nope. But I feel joy each and every day. Meeting our son for the first time. ...