Thanks for Making me a Fighter
I don't remember ever not being super Type A. When I was a little kid I used to get bored when I was visiting someone and would actually clean their house (as either most offensive or best visitor ever). I like things to be neat and tidy and efficient. Life, however, doesn't really care about those things. As a matter of fact it likes to scoff at you for thinking you're ever really in control. Intellectually I know this, but it doesn't make me less of a control freak. Two things in my life - Crohn's and the adoption process - have been the ultimate tests of my ability to be in control. I remember telling my surgeon a month before I was starting law school that emergency surgery was not an option, and we would talk about doing it during Christmas break. Life laughed hard, I had an emergency colectomy, but I still started law school three weeks later. Take that life, I thought at the time. Unpredictability has made this Type A person a fighter. I had three surger...