You'll never forget your first time

In college, back in 1998, I walked my first 5k. I walked it in 33 minutes (yes WALKED not ran), and I was booking it. I won first among walkers,and I won a gift certificate to Garfield's Restaurant in Morgantown, WV. Totally worth it. I didn't run my first 5k for another 8 years, until 2006, but doing that first race takes commitment, courage, and a little bit of insanity. Last week, on Thanksgiving, my husband and I ran the Inaugural Morgantown Running Turkey Trot. It was his first 5k, and I was bursting with pride and emotion. It's no secret that I love a good turkey trot, and I was thrilled for Morgantown's inaugural event. With my husband before the race We picked up our packets at the WVU track. Instead of t-shirts they gave us wicking socks. As a race veteran I was thrilled to have something other than another cotton t-shirt I'd never wear again, but as a race novice my husband was disappointed to not have a t-shirt. I totally get it. The race start...