Being okay with down time

As much as I love running, for me it's critical to know when to force myself to get up and go for a run and when to rearrange the schedule to allow for some down time. This summer has been a little difficult for me with my hip issues (I'm still in PT) and the humidity . I've taken more down time than I have the last few years, and I have to keep reminding myself that it's okay. Other than the LL Bean 10k I ran nearly a month ago, I haven't run more than four miles at a time since the Dexter-Ann Arbor Half Marathon the first of June. I've been babying my hip injuries hoping they'll heal and also in hopes that my physical therapist won't kill me for pushing it too hard while I'm injured. It's been odd to have all of these weekends without a long run. I've even rearranged my schedule several times to take a few weekends off entirely. It's weird, but I've discovered it's important. This past weekend I intended to do a long run ...