It's Mid-July, and I am Panicking

If parenting has taught me anything it's that the moments - the precious ones, the exhausting ones, the terrifying ones - are all fleeting. COVID reinforced the fleeting nature of time and made me realize that I want to be here for all the moments. I want to prioritize my family and my child over the busy. So here I am, in the most flexible summer of my adult life, being my own boss. My last day with the City of Lansing was two weeks ago, and I'd be lying if I said I missed it. I miss the team, but I regularly talk to the colleagues with whom I'm closest. I'm working on several fun and interesting projects, and my boss (yours truly) is pretty amazing. So why, you may ask, am I panicking in mid-July? We have 18 years with our children before they are adults. I am right in the middle of the 7th summer. After 15 months of togetherness with my son, he started summer camp three days a week in mid-June. While the quiet of the house has allowed me to accomplish a lot of wor...