I Never Liked Normal Anyway

It's been a banner few weeks with the CDC opining that we don't need masks outside and those who are fully vaccinated no longer need to wear masks inside. I have to admit: it feels strange to be able to get rid of the mask. It's been such a weird 15 months, and getting back to "normal" (whatever that is) is going to take a minute. My mixed feelings make me realize I never really liked normal anyway. My son's school has been virtual all year. Even though I can go without a mask in public places now my son still isn't attending school. There are four weeks of school left, but you can bet we're all phoning it in. I have some anxiety about sending him back out into the camp/school world because children still can't be vaccinated. It means I'm counting on teachers and child care professionals and other parents to vaccinate to keep my kid safe. That's a lot of trust in a year when we discovered a lot of folks don't care about their neighbors ...