Because Vodka Isn't Interesting

It's no secret that I have strong opinions about pretty much everything. A few years ago a friend said to me that I espouse my opinion like it's a fact, and I thought um obviously because it is. Despite my strong opinions I don't expect everyone to agree with me (how boring would that be?) even though we all know I'm right. It's also no secret that I love cocktails. (Think there's no connection here? Wait for it.) I'm a huge wine fan - champagne, white ( only in the summer and only Sauvignon Blanc), red all year long (preferably Pinot Noir). I love bourbon and gin cocktails, and I don't hate rum but it's definitely saved for summer or tropical locations. Last year I broke my arbitrary "I don't drink rum north of Miami rule" by making the mojito my pool drink. Champagne and oysters in Boston. Champagne in the sunshine in Florida. Sensing a pattern here... I don't drink tequila because I don't enjoy the taste. But ...