Miles to go Before I Sleep

A few months ago I posted about my doctor's lecture for not getting enough sleep. I'm predictably announcing that it's gotten no better. Who has time for sleep? But I had a moment this afternoon when I realized how extreme my schedule has become. I don't know what to drop so that I can get more sleep. How do people do this? My day went something like this: 5:00 a.m. Alarm goes off 5:23 a.m. Stop in the office to do a few things because I won't be in until afternoon. I can get a lot accomplished when I'm the only one here! 5:54 a.m. At the gym for a boxing class 7:03 a.m. Hydrate 7:55 a.m. Drop small human off at school, head to my doctor's office 8:58 a.m. Iron infusion in process. Still checking email and texts. 11:25 a.m. Arrive to moderate a panel highlighting women in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) careers With Michelle, one of the rock star panelists 2:00 p.m. Back in the office for an afternoon of m...