Tips for Your Best Life

I'd like to share an unpopular opinion: I despise our culture's reliance on lifestyle blogs, pinterest and social media to shape opinions about oneself. I taped a podcast earlier this week and was asked what inspires my blog. While initially my blog was almost entirely running focused, I realized that I had to be real about running, not running, and all the factors that affect my life. I realized pretty quickly that my most popular blogs are never about running or travel; they're about struggle. I've been very open about my struggle with Crohn's Disease and infertility, the loss of my dad and that elusive work/life balance. My life is blessed in many ways, but it's still not easy. I have to work hard to make it look easy, and I think that's important to note. My least favorite blogs or websites are these where people share their recommendations on making life amazing (almost always written by people whose lives I do not find amazing). I do not do Pinter...