The Year I Lost Myself

I realize it's a gross generalization, but many women I knew tend to lose themselves in external things - children, jobs, marriage, the sheer volume of things to accomplish. I've always had a strong sense of self. Even in having a child (despite the struggle to get here) I didn't lose myself. I went on my first work trip when my son was two months old. I ran a half marathon when he was four months old and a marathon before his first birthday. In those first few years I struck a balance between being me and being mommy that made me pretty happy. In 2016 I left a job I'd held for a while and hit the reset button, and in that process I felt an even stronger sense of self. I decided I wouldn't do things that didn't make me happy. I wouldn't settle for anything in life - work, friendships, experiences - that were toxic. It was happy or nothing. As I entered the last year of my 30s I felt like I really had it figured out. I was still a top priority, and that ...