To the Woman Who Made me a Mom

Hi - It's an odd thing, our relationship. We met just over four years ago when you were pregnant with my son. You've given me the greatest gift possible, and yet I don't really know much about you. I think of you so often, wondering how you're doing. I hope you're happy. I hope your life is fulfilling. I feel so grateful to you and so guilty for what you've given up. The feeling is complicated. I wanted to be a mom for a long time. We waited for six years, first trying to get pregnant and then waiting to adopt. We had one birth mom choose us and then change her mind once the baby was born. I was weary. I was starting to lose faith that it would ever happen. I was having lunch with a colleague when I saw the agency's number come up on my phone. The case worker told me we'd been chosen by a birth mom carrying a baby boy. We were told you were due in mid- to late-December. It was the week before Thanksgiving. I immediately called my husband, tr...