I Brunch These Towns

Last year I threatened to rename this blog "I Brunch These Towns" because I was doing that more than running. I am thinking of maybe a third of the year (in the winter) I should simply brunch these towns and then run these towns the other two-thirds. I'm only being mildly facetious because running in the winter can be lovely. Also brunch is somethin g that should happen every weekend regardless of season. Last weekend the temperatures were in the 40s, and it was ideal running weather (albeit a little windy). Unfortunately I did not run once. Brunch: 2 Running: 0. Last week my son had a stomach bug which made running next to impossible. I did squeak in one short run on the treadmill but that was it. By the weekend he was back to himself and finally allowing us to get into our extensive brunching and friend visiting schedule. On Saturday morning we headed to Detroit to meet with friends at P arks & Rec Diner in the renovated Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) build...