Empire State of Mind

I'm running the New York Marathon in four days. Even typing that statement is a little terrifying. A few years ago I opined that I'm a total taper hypochondriac . I thought this year would be different because I haven't trained that well. I was wrong. This week, in the final week before the New York City Marathon on Sunday, I've told my husband my back is killing me no fewer than 1,000 times. My foot is inexplicably hurting. My old friend the IT band has decided to show up. What I can't decide is whether these are actual ailments or if they're in my head. I suspect the latter. Running a marathon is a strange thing. It's a huge physical and mental commitment, and it causes me to be introspective in this final week. I am not sure I'm ready, but I've felt that way for every marathon I've run. I feel excited/nervous/anxious/restless/inspired/grateful. This entanglement of emotions is heady on its own, but it feels outright overwhelming combined w...