Running, Work and Awesomeness in Traverse City

The Bayshore Half Marathon in Traverse City, Michigan was my second half in May of 2007. It was so different than my first (the Nike Women's Half in San Francisco). There were way fewer people, and it was quiet and scenic. It was totally different. It was then that I realized three things: 1) all races are different and have their own charm; 2) Traverse City is a really great town and 3) Michael Moore is a jerk. I've reviewed Bayshore in the past, so I won't get into the details (cliff notes version: I mostly enjoyed it but wished it ran downtown). I've also raved about what makes Traverse City a fantastic community. Michael Moore, who founded the Traverse City Film Festival and favors slovenly clothing and baseball caps, also spends a lot of time in TC. I ran into him after the Bayshore Half, and said (in surprise), "Oh, hi!" He looked at me with disdain and said, "Don't" and walked away. I was never a Michael Moore fan, but that solidified ...