The Road Less Traveled

I'm not a very still person; quiet introspection isn't really my thing. If you ask someone to describe me the chances that they would ever use the words calm, relaxed or peaceful are probably nonexistent. That's why running is so important for me - it's the only time when my world feels still (which is ironic given that it's not a calm activity). My mind feels at peace, and my body gets into a rhythm. Running is my quiet time. Last weekend I left my house at 5:30 in the morning to meet my friend for a race. There's something peaceful about being out and about so early. I love driving in the dark, windows down, feeling like I have the world all to myself. This is why I love running early in the morning, and I haven't been able to figure out how to schedule it in regularly since the baby was born. I love the pre-dawn quiet where all I can hear is my footsteps on the pavement and my own breathing. The dim glow of the streetlights is the only interruption to...