Springtime Downtown

While it's always awesome to live downtown, spring is reminding me why it's really great. We walked to work this winter, but walking somewhere in the winter in Michigan is about survival. You put your head down and trudge into the wind just wanting it to be over. Now that the sun is shining, the days are longer and the trees are budding, it's a beautiful time to live downtown. This evening as I walked home from daycare with my son in the stroller I marveled at how incredible it feels to pick him up and just walk home. I don't have to get in the car and have a long drive. He's smiling and talking in the stroller, and we're both loving being outside in the fresh spring air. Spring also means race season. In this year, my self-proclaimed year to own the 5k, race season begins in earnest. On Sunday I ran the Race for the Cure to benefit the Susan G. Komen Foundation for breast cancer research. It's one of mid-Michigan's largest 5ks, and it's always a...