2013. Mind. Blown.

I have to be candid in telling you all that despite all the fun things I'm about to talk about, overall 2013 was a rough year. My husband and I experienced surprising and devastating heartbreak on more than one occasion, and it was hard. Hard isn't the correct word to encapsulate what parts of this year felt like - more like heartbreaking and crushing and devastating. In the first six months of the year it felt like the blows just kept coming, and there were times when I wasn't sure I could handle it. But if running has taught me nothing else it's taught me that I am stronger than I think I am. When it gets hard - that's when you push the most. Even if the hard stuff is emotional rather than physical, the same rules apply. I've dealt with the perils of 2013 in the way I deal with everything - head down, gutting it out, and keeping myself so distracted that there was rarely time to focus on what was getting me down. I traveled all over Michigan for work (...