Unexpected causes

On Saturday morning I'm running an inaugural 5k being hosted by Adoption Associates , the agency we're using for our adoption. I never expected a few years ago that I would be an active advocate for adoption, but here we are preparing to start a family in an unexpected way, and as a result I have an unexpected cause to support. When our case worker e-mailed us that they were holding their first 5k, I knew immediately that I'd run it. It's Saturday morning in Portland, MI (about half an hour away), and I have good luck at races in Portland. I set my 5k PR there last year. Running my PR in Portland last year The adoption journey has already been a really interesting one. Once we made the decision to adopt, we interviewed a few agencies, and we were not happy with any of them. Meeting with Adoption Associates resulted in an instant comfort with their team. We've been approved and waiting for five months, and we have no idea how much longer it will be. We cou...