I'm Going Streaking!

Before you get too excited, I'm doing a running streak. Fully clothed. Runner's World is challenging its readers to run their first ever summer running streak - running every day for a 38 days between Memorial Day and the 4th of July. I'll be honest - as much as I love running, I'm kind of a baby. I'll run a half marathon and take two days off to rest my IT band (which, let's be honest, kind of needs it). I'll run 3-4 days a week and think that's enough. When I saw the Runner's World streak, I saw an opportunity to challenge myself this summer. Who doesn't love Will Ferrell's infamous scene in OLD SCHOOL? I'm four days in, and I'll admit that if it weren't for pushing myself to do this streak, I would've begged off running a few days this week. It was on Tuesday. I was tired this morning. There are all kinds of excuses, and completing the streak is not letting me give in to any of them. The streak will also help push me...