Running for turkey

I love a good turkey trot . I have done the one in Lansing several times, and I've been really wanting to do the one in Detroit. The last few years we've done Thanksgiving with my family in West Virginia, so as soon as we decided to stay in Michigan this year, I knew I'd do the Detroit Turkey Trot. There's something satisfying about running early on Thanksgiving morning and then gorging on an obscene amount of Thanksgiving treats. Goofing around downtown at the Joe Louis fist statue On Thanksgiving morning I woke up early and left my in-laws' house with my cheering section - my husband and father-in-law. My husband's family lives just outside of Detroit so it was a short drive in. As soon as we got off the exit we realized how big this race was - traffic was entirely stopped. Thankfully we'd given ourselves plenty of time. Hart Plaza early on a foggy Thanksgiving morning We parked just outside of Joe Louis Arena , home of the Detroit Red Wings h...